Chappal Waddi

About This Adventure

Omuya's venture into geo-tourism sprouted from a deeply personal wellspring—a heartrending loss of his son. Seeking solace and purpose, he, accompanied by his supportive wife, embarked on a transformative odyssey to Chappal Waddi in Taraba State, Nigeria. As the highest point in the country, this expedition wasn't just a scenic escapade; it became a therapeutic quest for healing. The ascent of Chappal Waddi, also known as the “mountain of death,” posed a daunting challenge for Lukeman. Devoid of prior knowledge and training, he navigated the rugged terrain with unwavering determination. Overcoming physical and emotional hurdles, he reached the summit on the 10th of December 2019, marking a profound personal triumph. Yet, this triumph didn't conclude his journey; it ignited a series of subsequent expeditions.
Inspired by the resilience forged on Chappal Waddi, Omuya embarked on a path of further discovery, broadening his horizons in the realm of geo-tourism. The arduous journey became a source of rejuvenation and a testament to the healing power of nature. Amid adversity, Lukeman's story unfolds as a narrative of personal growth and resilience, echoing the transformative potential inherent in embracing the natural world.